A Worked example to illustrate how the quadratic calculator Works:
A quadratic equation solver is an online algebra calculator that helps you solve equations of the form ax^2+bx+c=0 where a, b, c are constants, a\neq 0. A second degree polynomial can be solved online with this calculator, fast and easy. The name quadratic comes from the term �quad�, which means square, ie a variable is squared to create such an equation. From our example above x� is squared. The following are different forms in which quadratics can exist
x^2= 3x -1
2(x^2- 2x) = 5
x(x-1) = 3
5 + 1/x - 1/x^2= 0
Note it is easy to put each of the examples above into standard form mathematically by pulling all the constants and variables to the LHS of the equation. You can do so by adding the inverse of either key.
How the quadratic Solver works
This solver works in the most fundamental way to find the zeroes of a quadratic equation. Usually, quadratics are solved through quadratic formula, factoring or completing square method. Although the solver knows how to solve using either of the methods above, let me illustrate how it works using the Quadratic formula method.
- First, the solver puts your expression in standard form ie. ax^2+bx+c=0
- While in standard form, it is easy to pull out the constants a, b, c from the quation
- The third step is to substitute the constant into the formula as defined
- Simplify the expression on the RHS to determine the value of the unknown
Need to learn how to solve quadratic equations step by step? Here are some examples to help you learn:
Examples worked out with quadratic equation solver
Solving quadratic equation with our online equation solver is easy and fun. Furthermore, it is a fun way to learn algebra through examples.
Acceptable Math symbols and their usage
If you choose to write your mathematical statements, here is a list of acceptable math symbols and operators.
- + Used for Addition
- -Used for Subtraction
- *multiplication operator symbol
- /Division operator
- ^Used for exponent or to Raise to Power
- sqrtSquare root operator
Pi : Represents the mathematical Constant pi or
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