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Factor Method

Solve Quadratic equation through factor method with our online Equation calculator: Acess equation calculator

Algebra Calculator

Quadratic Method

Lets you Solve quadratic Equations through the quadratic Formular. Get a step by step solution for quadratic Equations online

Algebra Calculator

Complete Square

This Calculator lets you Solve quadratic equations through the completing Square method. A step by step quadratic Equation Solver

Algebra Calculator

What is a quadratic Equation?

A quadratic is a single variable equation of degree two. There are three Classical methods of Solving Quadratics namely:

  • Factoring Method
  • Completing Square Method
  • Quadratic Formular Method

All quadratic Equations are Solvable using the formular method. Howver, not all equations can be solved using the completing square or Factor Method:

Quadratic fomular

You can Solve a quadratic equation of the form x^2+bx+c Through the Quadratic Formular: x=\frac{\left(-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}\right)}{2a} The coefficients a,b,c can easily be identified in the equation

Quadratic Equation Solver: Equation Calculator

Algebra equation Solver

Completing Square Method

This method Utilizes the power of perfect squares: With the Unknown on the LHS it is posible to find its value Simply by taking the squareroot.

ax^2+bx+c = 0 \Longrightarrow a\left(x+d\right)^2 + e = 0 where e, d are constants \implies x=\sqrt{-\frac{e}{a}}-d

Solving Quadratics is fun, Determing the best solution method is vital: Our Quadratic Equation Calculator Guides you on the best solution method.

Factoring Method

A quadratic equation of the form x^2+bx+c is factorble into polynomials of degree 1 if and only if its Discriminant is positive and is a perfect square: This x^2+bx+c can be factored into : x^2+bx+c = \left(x+h\right)\left(x+j\right), where h and j are intergers We can obtain the Solution be Equation Either of the Factors to zero: ie:

\left(x+h\right)=0 or \left(x+k\right)=0

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