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Example x^2-2x+3=4 -OR- 2x-y=9 Click the button to Solve!


2x-y=0 Solve for variables Example
2x^2-2x+3=0 Quadratic Equation Example
x^2-5x-8=0 Quadratic Equation Example
2-3=0 Evaluate Example
2x-2y-xy Simplify/ Evaluate Example
2x^2-2x+6=0 Solve for variables Example
4x+2=2(x+6) Simplify Example

Graphical Solution of Equations:

A Worked example to illustrate how the solve calculator Works:

Worked Algebra example

An equation is a mathematical expression that equates two objects. Ideally an equation consists of two mathematical expressions separated by an equal sign. In algebra, equations are vital as they help us solve for the unknown.

Examples of math equations with unknowns:



In either of the examples the alphabet characters represents the unknown or variables. In order to solve an equation, you need to have the right solution strategy.

A solution method depends on the number of unknowns with respect to the number of equations. For example solving an equation with two unknowns requires you to have a system of at least 2 equations (for linear equations). On the other hand, solving a nonlinear equation might be a more complicated affair. This equation calculator helps you solve quadratic equations efficiently.

The most popular equation types are the linear equations and non-linear equations of degree two also known as quadratics.

Solving a single variable linear equation

Best solution strategy is through factorization.  This method requires you to factor the variable on the LHS of the equation while you let the constant terms be on the RHS of the equation.






x= \frac{14}{3}

Solving a quadratic Equation:

There are 3 classical ways of solving a quadratic equation namely

  • Factoring
  • Completing square method
  • Quadratic formula method

You can solve quadratic equations with our free online algebra equation calculator

To solve any equation Insert your mathematical expression in the text area provided. The calculator will automatically select the default solution method. Hit on the calculate button to view solution.

Acceptable Math symbols and their usage
If you choose to write your mathematical statements, here is a list of acceptable math symbols and operators.

  • + Used for Addition
  • -Used for Subtraction
  • *multiplication operator symbol
  • /Division operator
  • ^Used for exponent or to Raise to Power
  • sqrtSquare root operator
Pi : Represents the mathematical Constant pi or \pi

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